Making Room

Deciding is like a breath of fresh air.

It’s the permission we give ourselves to release pressure, like a welcome exhale after an extended held inhale.

It’s true that first comes a time of consideration; a pause between the notes, the direction at the crossroads, the weighing of the yes or the no. But ultimately you have to decide. Ultimately, you need to take a step and commit. To live in indecision kills growth - you can’t hold your breath indefinitely.

Here is where personal honesty comes in. This is where hard conversations emerge, and relationship patterns become trackable. This is the place where leadership steps up or indifference misleads.

And all of this begins within. These are the things we need to do with ourselves as we turn that laser focus inward. To see all in your life is happening FOR you is one way to shift away from cycling in victimhood and holding a perpetual breath of indecision. (Take a minute and reframe any resistance you may have felt as you read that.)

What if the unpleasant things in your life right now are happening FOR you? As an observer, does that change a perspective or assumption? Does it help defuse the fight that is fogging the real choice in front of you?

It could actually come down to you recognizing your position on CONTROL versus TRUST.

The broader perspectives and experiences asking for space in your life are also asking you to make room for them. The tight little containers we’ve gotten comfortable in are filled to the brim with the stale air we’ve been holding too long. And to change that, means we need to trust our gut, step up as our own leader, and trust the natural cycles of life.

Making a decision brings in a rush of clarity and emotion. Deciding opens the valves for movement and next steps of inspired action. And if the decision takes you three steps right into a wall, then so be it…because as you turn around, the perspective has changed and the muscles of choosing have been flexed.

Breathing life into life is what we’re here to do. Creating rich, deep, connections that elevate you will inspire others to do the same. It’s not about the old game of security the way we’ve known it…it’s about the emerging from the soil as new growth in spring…discovering our reach towards the sun and living into our true form.



Discovering Rest